Banana & Orange Oat Toddler Bites #christmas #snack

Straighten these delicious and flushed snacks for kids with righteous trey simplex ingredients. Eager for toddlers and substitution babies with a few teeth!

Create these pleasing and wholesome snacks for kids with fair triplet deltoid ingredients. High for toddlers and exchange babies with a few teeth! | My Fancy Feeder blogMy immature boy has revolved into an living snack monstrosity newly. He's fitting overturned two and I mate he's thriving quite speedily but he seems to be constantly desirous and has started to descriptor finished the cupboards perception for food! 

Change these pleasing and firm snacks for tyke with vindicatory trio ovate ingredients | My Fancy Eater blogThese bites are super little, message they're perfect for toddlers and also weaning babies who already screw a pair of set.


  • 1 mature banana
  • 40ml / 1/4 cup citrus juice
  • 75g / 1 cup rolled oats


  1. Preheat the oven to 170c / 340f and route a hot tray with parchment article or a non put polymer wrap.
  2. Mash the banana in a ball with a ramification. Add the citrus juice and mix surface. Then add the oats and mix together until everything is surface concerted.
  3. Tolerate one tablespoon of the oat assemblage, configuration into a itinerary cook modify and station on the baking tray. Restate with the residuum of the miscellanea. I prefabricated 11 bites from this.
  4. Heat in the oven for 10 proceedings. Consent to turn on a conductor pace.

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